Practices for Excellence

Blended Learning: Student Engagement approach


Blended Learning is a fusion of learning methods that incorporate multiple teaching models. It optimizes the achievement of learning objectives with the application of appropriate learning technologies to match the personal learning style. Blended learning approach helps to design teaching programs in a way that knowledge reaches to visual, auditory, and kinetic learners effectively. The correct blend of technologies, help to improve teaching, information retention, engagement, responsibility, and enjoyment. Blended learning is important no matter what the industry is, from schools to corporations, from all walks of life.

  1. To boost learner’s efficiency of learning
  2. To improve communication, build stronger relationships among students and teachers
  3. To keep track of student’s progress at any given time and to better understand their strengths and weaknesses
  4. To enable students to learn at their own pace

The department has incorporated the use of blended learning tools in teaching -learning process from daily lectures, tutorials, practical to every activity conducted to enhance learning experiences.

  1. Helped to boost active learning
  2. Improved span of concentration in online classes

Capsule Program


Syllabus set by the University has to be completed successfully within the given semester. It was observed that to build students interest it is required to give them the overall idea of the course by telling them the importance, its applications and some hands on if required related to the select topics in the course. Also the current trends related to the course are explained. This makes them understand within a limited time, what exactly the course is about and what they will be learning in the semester.

  1. To provide outline of course (subject) in advance
  2. To explain the Course outcome by conducting select topics /practical to get them a feel of the course (subject)
  3. To develop interest among students for the course (subject)

MCA department starts the academic year with 3 days compact capsule program for students. Under this program select topics, key points and the emerging concepts and trends for every course in the semester is taught within 3 days to get an overall idea and to develop their interest in that course.

  1. Schedule
  2. Plan



Anapana is the first step in the practice of vipassana meditation. Anapana means observation of natural, normalrespiratio, as it comes in and goes out. It is an easy to learn objectve and scientific technique that helps develop concentration of the mind

  1. To help in developing concentration of the mind
  2. To help in dealing with the fears, anxieties and pressures
  3. To help in increasing sself-confidence and abiity to express oneself

MCA department practices Anapana meditation during the first 10minutes of first session everyday

  1. increased concentration of the mind
  2. Improved awareness and alertness of mind
  3. Increased self-confidence
  4. Better Performance in studies, sports and extra-curricular activities
Practicing Yoga and meditation regularly strengthen the mind and body. It helps in improving mainly health and well-being. We at IICMR,every year celebrate yoga day with students and faculties as part of ASR activity.

Weekly Quiz(Quizzomania)


Having a strong technical knowledge as well as general knowledge is a necessity to be in this competitive world.

  1. To improve and expand one’s knowledge of things, either general or in specific area.
  2. To promote a fun way to study and in the process help improve one’s general knowledge.
  3. To motivate the students to participate in quizzes by awarding them with certificate and awarding them with star of the week and star of the month award.
The Quizzomania activity is divided into 5 types of quiz
  1. Tech- Mania
  2. Code- Mania
  3. News- Mania
  4. Apti- Mania
  5. View- Mania
  1. Increased participation in co-curricular activities.
  2. Creates a fun as well as competitive environment.
  3. Improves general knowledge.
  4. Enhances Aptitude skills.
Click here for more details

Flagship Events

1) TechnoCase

  1. To inculcate the problem solving ability amongst the students which will help them in their IT career
  2. To understand real time challenges in business
  3. To propose technical solution for the challenges

The competition is conducted in two streams

  1. C/C++ Competition for under graduate students to challenges their logical ability and conceptual understanding
  2. Case study Competition for post graduate students to challenge their problem solving ability through innovative solutions for business problems & opportunities with the use of pertinent technology
  3. Project Competition to present before their product and get the suggestions from the experts.
  1. Showcasing ideas & logical ability to Industry experts have helped students in getting placement opportunities
  2. The competition is being conducted for last 8 years which proves its popularity and acceptance among students


  1. To develop Business Perspective among IT students with a view to strengthen their capabilities through interaction with various Industry Experts.
  2. To enlighten students on scope for entrepreneurship
  3. To create awareness about trends in technology, work –life culture and various career paths.
  4. To make the students aware of the technical and soft skills required to build a sustainable career in IT.
  1. Identifying resource person from diverse domains from IT Industry.
  2. Sessions on niche technologies
  3. Panel Discussion aimed at deliberating on the myths and realities IT industry holds and to channelize student’s efforts to make the transition from academia to industry easier
  4. The Event team plans the programme and approval from Director (MCA) is taken for the same.

  1. Gives students a birds eye view of all the career options available and the work life culture, thus making it easier for students to choose the best path suitable
  2. Introduction & awareness of niche technologies among students
Click here for more details

Value added Add- on Courses


Making students more confident by providing the hands on training in the area of their interest and as per the needs of industry.

  1. To provide training on latest technology.
  2. To make students more employable.
  3. To bridge the gap between Industry and Academia.

Selection of the students as per their interest through the entrance test. Giving them the training on International certifications by the certified trainer / expert .Following are the International certification /training programmes being conducted, where newer courses would be added as per the feedback received from various stakeholders

  1. OCJP certification Training Program
  2. Oracle MTP Certification Program
  3. ISTQB Certification Program
  4. Sales force Certification Program
  5. Business English Training Program
  6. Laptop repairing and maintenance program
  7. Mobile repairing program
  1. All certified , trained students got placement in good IT companies.
  2. Placement Ratio increased.
List of add on course completed/ going on...

Do It By Yourself

1) Do It Yourself : Model making

  1. To provide more realistic, hands-on experience to students so as to understand the fundamental concepts of various subjects.
  2. To engage students in their education to improve retention and student success.
  3. To enhance the creativity by making models. To use the models as teaching aid to teach the concepts in subjects.
  1. Conceptual understanding is very important and is the base of every advanced learning.
  2. Very well explained in the Chinese proverb : “I hear and I forget, I see and I know, I do and I understand”. The models made by the students , make them understand and remember the concept for the life time.

The models were created by the students on various basic and advanced concepts of Operating System, Networking, cloud computing, DBMS, Data structure and so on.

  1. All students actively participate in the activity and very much involved to make their own model and also to see the models done by the other students, in turn learning and revising the concepts.
  2. An exhibition of all the models made by the students is organized where the students are asked to explain the concept to the visitors.

The presentation skills were enhanced by exhibiting the models.

2) Do It Yourself : Audit

  1. To help the students develop awareness about the professional practice of auditing within the current regulatory framework
  2. To encourage students to investigate various information security and auditing related topics through projects

To gain conceptual insight as well as practical expertise on how audit is conducted


The instructor and students sits and plan the audit activity- Identifying audit scenarios (type of audit- product audit, process audit, system audit), schedule the audit, define the purpose of audit and resources required for audit. The steps carried out are

  1. Audit preparation :to ensure that the audit complies with the client’s objective
  2. Audit performance :the fieldwork, data-gathering portion of the audit. Consists of activities including on-site audit management, meeting with the auditee, understanding the process and system controls and verifying that these controls work, communicating among team members, and communicating with the auditee.
  3. Audit reporting :to communicate the results of the investigation The activity ends with a presentation on the take away from the audit conducted by the students
Learning Outcomes-Students are able to interpret and evaluate:
  1. The key steps involved in the statutory audit,from the initial engagement stage to the publication of the auditor’s report
  2. The term audit, the key issues related to auditing systems and their contributions and implications for organizations
Skills Outcomes- students are able to
  1. Apply theory to different audit scenarios and real-world cases Identify areas which raise concerns for auditors and formulate professional recommendations

3) Do It Yourself: Computer Organization Workshop


To encourage experiential learning in imparting knowledge to the students

  1. Planning workshop to make students break open the desktop computer system components.
  2. study the assembling process along with the working.
  1. Students get knowledge of basic hardware troubleshooting.
  2. Encourages students to study the troubleshooting process of Laptops, Palmtops.
  3. Builds students interest towards hardware and networking field.

Language Lab

To develop student’s proficiency in English communications, they are trained in well equipped computerized.Language Laboratory.Students are given training in language skills like listening, reading, writing and speaking where they get an opportunity to improve their pronunciation and communication skills.In Every Semester, we focus on different aspects such as English Grammar, Vocabulary, Language Skills,Soft Skills, Presentation Skills, and Interview Skills etc. Language Lab is a Self Learning Activity where students take advantage of the lab and do practice of learning English.It aims at confidence-building among students for interactions and presentations in English.

The main objectives of the Language Laboratory are:
  • To equip the students with good communication skills – speaking, listening reading and writing.
  • To emphasize the need of English in the technical world.
  • To prepare them for interviews and future job environments
  • To train the students in the art of conversation and discussion with the help of various language lab software, apps and websites.
Following is the Plan of Language Lab for Academic Year 2019-2020
1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
(SEM –I)
(SEM –V & VI)
Week 1: Basics of English Grammar, Exercise on Introduction, Prepositions Week 1: Essentials of Conversation, Starting a Conversation - General Tips, Etiquette Needed in Conversation, Starting & Responding a Conversation Week 1: Reading Sessions, Thinking in English Session Week 1: Group Discussion, Importance of GD, GD Tips, Activity on GD Those who want to revise the sessions can attend the sessions according to 1st year and 2nd year schedule.
Week 2: Exercise on Prepositions, Basics of Speaking English Phrases and Expression Week 2: Communicative English through Listening:Listening Activity and Role Play:Meeting people, exchanging greetings and taking leave Week 2: Writing Session Week 2: Activity on GD, How to prepare for Interview
Week 3: Practice on phrases, Building Vocabulary Easy Ways to Improve and Expand Your Vocabular Week 3: Listening Activity and Role Play:1.Introducing yourself to someone, 2. Introducing people to others Week 3: Working on Prepositions, Exercise on Prepositions Week 3: Common Interview Questions
Week 4: Exercise on Vocabulary, Role Play Activity Week 4: Listening Activity and Role Play: Telephone etiquettes Week 4: Presentation Skills, Activity on Presentations Week 4: Common Interview Questions
Week 5: Linking words, Exercise on linking words Week 5: Listening Activity and Role Play: Telephone etiquettes Week 5: English Lessons for Daily Business, English sentences related to: 1. Machine Problems And Role Play Activit Week 5:Audio from Orell Software
Week 6: Idioms, Exercise on Idioms, Phrasal Verbs Week 6: Basic Listening Skills:- Related to Movies And Role Play Week 6: English sentences related to: 2. Company Policies 3. I'm Busy Week 6: Videos on Interview Questions
Week 7: Adjectives, Adverbs Week 7: Intermediate Listening Skills:- Related to Health And role plays. Week 7: English sentences related to: 4. Giving/Asking Business Card Week 7: Videos on Interview Questions
Week 8: Exercises on Adjectives and verbs Week 8: Idioms Week 8: English sentences related to: 5. General Office Week 8: Mock Interview
Week 9: Exercise Week 9:Prepositions Week 9: English sentences related to:6. Late or No Show, 7. Leaving Work Early Week 9: Mock Interview
Week 10: Revision Week 10:Situational Role Play Activity Week 10: English sentences related to:8. Email writing Week 10:Mock Interview

Remedial Coaching

Students come from diverse background with different learning capacity. They differ in learning skills,academic performance and grasping levels. Learning support is provided to students by providing specialcoaching.To develop the learning capabilities teaching process is designed to cater with individual students requirement. Faculties understand the difficulty level in different subjects and accordingly they design the syllabus for remedial classes.These individual support help student to build their confidence, positive ,attitude, learning skills, problem solving skills etc., which train them for future exams and careers.

  1. Remedial classes for the slow learners in particular subject identified according to their mid-term exam performance.
  2. Sessions are conducted to develop specific competencies of the students that may contribute to their academic and professional success.
  3. Remedial coaching for exam orientation which contribute to their academic success through concept clarification and problem solving exercises.
  4. Classes are conducted by respective faculty members for students who face difficulty in their subject domain. Remedial classes are conducted after 4.00 pm to clear their doubts and guide the students for better preparations for University exams.
  5. Simplified notes and easy techniques are provided to the students.

Bridge Course

Bridge courses are designed to cater the needs of students belonging to diverse backgrounds and having different learning capabilities.

The objectives of conducting bridge courses are as follows:
  1. To provide training on pre requisite topics for a particular course.
  2. To make students confident to learn the course.
  3. To bridge the gap between SPPU syllabus and prerequisite topics.

Experiential Learning


Students generally acquire limited knowledge through lectures in class rooms and do not always expose to real life situations. The adoption of experiential learning, as a way to build practitioner skills and facilitate the move from theory to practice will positively impact the students. Governments across the globe are highly recognizing the positive impact of new businesses on the employment levels and other social and economic growth which plays an important role in bringing up the society. India being a developing country needs more successful young entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship development is an integral part included in the curriculum to enhance the scope for self-employment. This practice is initiated to promote entrepreneurship and to inculcate entrepreneurial skills from various dimensions among the students.

  1. To develop real-world skills that will help students to lead exceptional lives in a rapidly changing world as self-reliant individuals.
  2. To mentor the students in order to acquire strategic thinking, planning, branding, marketing and networking skills.
  3. To develop synergistic team spirit and to inspire the team members to live in harmony.

Entrepreneurial skills encompass broad range of skill sets like technical skills, strategic thinking, planning, branding, marketing and networking skills, teamwork, leadership with business management and creative thinking. The motive behind this initiative is make students experience the primer of entrepreneurship. The institute conducts three activities through which the skills can be inculcated among the students.


The active participation in these activities helped to boost confidence among students and enable them to work as an effective team member. The initiative has helped to make students understand how important it is to know the nitty-gritty of businesses. It is an effort towards developing competent professionals. Many organizations have given placements to the students. Students have developed multi skills through the field experiences. They are able to apply theoretical knowledge in practical situations through their problem-solving competencies and analytical skills. With few years of experience of working with corporate our students have become entrepreneurs leading the way forward.