Institutional Policies

Green Campus, Environmental and Energy Policy

ATSS’ Institute of Industrial and Computer Management and Research (IICMR) always believes in maintaining its own standard in preservarace of environment and quality consciousness. Being an environmental conscious Institute, the administration and the students of the institute look after the environment carefully. IICMR is very much keen for the management and disposal of Solid, Liquid and E Waste.

Enviromental Policy
Topic Green Campus, Environmental and Energy Policy
Aim To create awareness amongst the teaching and non-teaching staff of ATSS’ Institute of Industrial and Computer Management and Research (IICMR) for commitment towards sustainable efforts for Green Campus.
Policy Objectives
  • To create awareness amongst the students and staff regarding the efforts to protect the environment.
  • To be successful to reduce the waste and improve the waste management.
  • To reduce/ avoid all types of pollution in the campus.
  • To protect and nurture the Flora and Fauna on the campus and to maintain green campus.
  • To maintain Plastic free campus
  • To Produce renewable Energy
Policy Applicability This policy shall apply to all establishments of ATSS and each employee shall be made a partner in implementing the policy.
Policy Details
  • To sensitize the staff and students about the management of the solid waste through vermin-compost on the campus and use it as a fertilizer.
  • To create awareness about proper use of water and managing the ‘Rain Water Harvesting’.
  • To maximize the use of ICT and minimize the use of paper to achieve the goal of ‘Paperless Office’.
  • To conserve and make an optimum use of solar energy.
Policy Compliance Compliance Measurement
  • ATSS shall continue to comply with all relevant environmental regulations, standards and other codes of practice, by operating and maintaining the assets within the boundary of permits, consents, and licenses.
  • Infrastructure Committee, shall establish system for reporting environment related parameters, deviations and constraints to Management. Environmental risks perceived shall be reviewed for appropriate action.
  • All the Energy and Green audits will be undertaken on yearly basis.
  • The programs to create awareness will be conducted on regular intervals.
Non Compliance Measurement
If any faculty member or student is found violating the norms of Green Campus policy is liable for punishment of fine of Rs. 100 per offence.
Divyangjan Policy

The institute takes utmost care in providing needed amenities and creates an environment of inclusive education for students.

Divyangjan Policy
Topic Policy for Divyangjan
Aim To recognize that Persons with Disabilities are valuable human resource and seeks to create an environment that provides them equal opportunities, protection of their rights and full participation in society.
Policy Objectives
  • To create Inclusive Culture to avoid discrimination, exploitation and exclusion of Disable Students and Staff from all spheres of work and education.
  • To create suitable regulatory mechanism for effective delivery of services to Disable Students and Staff.
  • To ensure implementation of all legislations with respect to persons with disabilities.
  • To ensure full participation of persons with disabilities and to provide them the equal opportunities for development.
  • To provide necessary budget allocation to achieve above objectives.
Policy Applicability Disability policy is applicable to those who comprises motor and sensory limitations (e.g., mobility, vision, or hearing impairments). It also includes disabilities resulting from chronic illnesses and syndrome, invisible disabilities, such as psychological and emotional disorders, learning disabilities, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI), and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) are also included in the term disability. Many disabilities vary in degree and type of limitation; therefore, accommodations must also vary and should be tailored to the needs of the individual.
Policy Details
  • Assuring that the buildings, toilets, laboratories, libraries, etc. are barrier free and accessible to all types of differently abled person.
  • Ensuring inclusion and effectiveness in participation of differently abled students in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • Adopting suitable medium and method of teaching for differently abled students.
  • Providing assistance to students in the learning process apart from regular class hours
  • Providing education and training resources/materials in an accessible format.
  • Providing assistance of facility in examination.
  • Permitting the people with disabilities to use their personal assistive devices in campus.
  • Updating the facilities available for differently able in campus.
  • Providing parents-teachers Counseling and addressing the grievances through grievance Redressal System
  • Ensuring that the differently abled people have equal opportunities for sports and games
Every member of the college is made aware of the amenities and facilities available for the disabled and support them and access the in-house resources.