Uniform |
- Students are expected to wear clean and allotted uniform in the Institute campus.
- The disciplinary committee, faculty members along with department heads would ensure that students wear proper uniform two days in a week
- The students should be attired in uniform whenever theyrepresent the Institute in any of the events within and outside the campus.
Identity Card |
- student should wear and display his / her identity card and produce it on demand by the authorities i.e. by any member of the staff or other authorized persons.
- If the identity card is lost, fresh identity card will be issued after collecting a fine.
Absenteeism |
- As per university rules 80% attendance is required for granting of term.
- Attendance is mandatory for lectures / labs / other compulsory activities / tutorials.
- Prior permission is to be taken in writing from Course coordinator / Director / HOD for leave
Attendance |
- The attendance of the students should be at least 80% of attendance in a semester.
Performance in internal examinations |
- After Term End Exam, result is displayed within 7 days ,
- Retest is conducted for the students securing less than 40% marks and the result of the same is declared within two days.
- Any student scoring less than 40% marks even after retest , appropriate action will be taken in consultation with Subject Matter Experts(SME‟s) Use
Use of Mobile Phones |
- Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited during classes and examinations. Non-compliance with this instruction will invite disciplinary action.
No Smoking Zone |
- The Institute campus is a no smoking zone and smoking is strictly prohibited in the Institute campus
Anti-ragging |
- Ragging is strictly prohibited in or outside the campus of IICMR
- All students shall familiarize themselves with rules/regulations/guidelines code of conduct, anti-ragging measures and discipline of IICMR.
- All students admitted in the institute and their parents will submit an affidavit regarding anti-ragging within one month of their admission.
- Any student who suffers ragging or notices occurrence of ragging shall immediately report the event to concerned authority.
- Incidences of ragging can be reported to any member of Antiragging squad, Anti-ragging committee of the Institute.
- Students may report incidence of ragging either orally or in writing. They may also report the incidence in person or by phone. Anonymity of the caller will be maintained.
- Any victim of ragging not satisfied with the action taken by the Head of the Institution or by the University may submit an appeal in writing to report the event to the local police.
Library Rules & Regulations |
- Library Timing is from 8:00am – 6:00pm
- Book is not issued without library card/ Membership card.
- Student can issue up to 3 books at one time for 7 days
- Students would return the books or renew it on or before date given on the due date slip of the book
- Rs 1/- fine would be charged per day on late returned book.
- Student can issue one CD per day and magazine/journal for two days.
- Student can issue syllabus and old Exam papers for one day. They have to return it back before 11:00am for next day.
- Student can issue the old issues of journals for 2 days.
- If a student loses/misplaces any book he/she has to replace the same new book
- If students want to demand particular book, which is not available in the library, they would fill book demand form, which is available in library.
Computer Lab Rules & Regulations |
- Keep the chairs in Lab properly.
- Students have to follow Wi-Fi registration process for availing internet facility on their laptops.
- Contact System Administrator for the assistance of usage of WiFi facilities for your own Laptops.
- Downloading data which is unproductive or other than academic purpose is strictly prohibited.
- Utilization and surfing on the net is monitored. Strict action will be taken against students for using the internet, for other than academic purpose.
- Don‟t recharge Mobile Phones or any other E-Gadgets in Lab.
- Students are not allowed to enter in Server Room without permission.
- Student must convey complaints related to Lab PCs to concern teacher and later teacher should record the same in Complaint
- Register.
Person with Disabilities |
- The buildings, toilets, laboratories, libraries, etc. are barrier free and accessible to all types of differently abled person
- The Institute ensures inclusion and effectiveness in participation of differently abled students in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
- The Institute adopts suitable medium and method of teaching for differently abled students.
- The Institute provides assistance to students in the learning process apart from regular class hours.
- The Institute provides education and training resources/materials in an accessible format.
- The Institute provides assistance of facility in examination.
- The Institute permits the people with disabilities to use their personal assistive devices in campus.
Sports Room |
- Sports room will be kept open from 10:00am – 5:00pm
- Students should enter their names in Sports room register while entry and exit
- Students can make use of sports room only when they don‟t have lectures Students should make entry in the register for utilization of any kind of sports material
- Sports material should be kept in place after utilization
- Cleanliness should be maintained in the sports room
- Students should not bring any personal belongings in the sports room.
- The materials utilized for playing should be returned back to the sports coordinator and its entry should be made in the register while issuing as well as while returning back.
- Sports material shall not be given to any students who is not having identity card
- If students want to play certain out door games in the evening ,they should get the permission from sports coordinator and should enter in the register without fail
- Fine will be imposed on the entire team members in case of any damage/Loss of any sports material
Girls Hostel |
Hostel is allotted to the students for a period of one year.
- No outsider is permitted to stay in the hostel overnight.
- All the electric and water connections, must be switched off while leaving the room.
- Use of intoxicants, drugs, alcohol of any kind is strictly prohibited.
- Ragging is strictly prohibited.
- High powered music systems are not allowed.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the hostel campus.
- Electrical appliances like heating rods, heaters, and irons are not allowed.
- Timings for hostel must strictly be followed i.e. all girl students must report back to hostel by 9.30 pm.
- The breakfast timing is upto 9.30 am only.
- The girls who want to stay out from hostel must bring the relative or guardian and have a talk with the warden and take permission.
- In case of medical emergency the Contact Nos are displayed on the notice board.
- Hostel students are expected to follow a code of conduct that will not affect the behavior of fellow mates.
- The rooms and the corridors must be kept clean and hygienic and there should be proper disposal of garbage daily.
Boys Hostel |
- Hostel is allotted to the students for a period of one year.
- No one other than allottee is permitted to stay in the hostel overnight.
- All the electric and water connections, must be switched off while leaving the room.
- Use of Intoxicants, drugs, alcohol of any kind is strictly prohibited.
- Ragging is strictly prohibited.
- High powered music systems are not allowed.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the hostel campus.
- Electrical appliances like heating rods, heaters, and irons are not allowed.
- Timings for hostel must strictly be followed i.e. all students must report back to hostel by 9.30 pm.
- The breakfast timing is up to 9.30 am only.
- The students who want to stay out from hostel must bring the relative or guardian and have a talk with the warden.
- In case of medical emergency the Contact Nos are displayed on the notice board.
- Hostel students are expected to follow a code of conduct that will not affect the behavior of fellow mates.
- The rooms and the corridors must be kept clean and hygienic and there should be proper disposal of garbage daily.
General Rules |
- All students are strictly prohibited from participating in any activities which will disturb the classes and/or cause threat to the peaceful atmosphere of the Institute campus.
- It is prohibited to organize or attend meetings other than the official ones which are specifically permitted by the Director.
- All expressions or activities which are immoral, antisocial, communal and anti national are strictly prohibited in the Institute campus and are punishable.
- No student shall get involved in any political activities inside campus.
- Smoking, chewing pan masala, chewing gum etc. are strictly prohibited in the Institute campus. Entering the Institute campus, consuming liquor and other intoxicating drugs, is also strictly prohibited.
- Disfiguring/damaging / destroying the Institute property is strictly prohibited.
- No one shall distribute or circulate any notices, pamphlets, leaflets, etc., within the campus and shall not exhibit any type of banners, flags, posters, etc. without the prior sanction of the Director
- Unauthorized entry of outsiders into the campus is strictly prohibited. Unless permitted by the Institute authorities, students shall not bring or entertain outsiders inside the Institute campus.
- Nobody shall collect money from others in the campus.
- During the free hours students may utilize Library, Digital Library or Lab facility or they may sit inside their own class room without disturbing the nearby classes.
- The Institute wil not be responsible for loss of valuables / cash brought by the students to the campus.