An effective feedback has a better result on student learning and attainment than any other teaching strategy.The stakeholders: Students, teachers, industry experts,employers,alumni and parentsplay an important role in the process of syllabus development, infrastructure, teaching–learning process, and evaluation, curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The feedback is collected from stakeholders in both structured and un-structured way. Feedback from Students is collected during mid-semester and at the end of every semester, activity and event. Along with students, feedback is also collected from Parents , Industry Experts and Employers, Alumni and Faculty Members. The input received during feedback enables a continuous process of integrating the thought process and advanced technology in the development of learning and progress oriented curriculum. Hence the Stakeholders support in designing and development of a curriculum which will meet and satisfy the expectations of the stakeholders. The Mid semester feedback is collected and analysed to ensure effective and quality delivery of curriculum. Semester end feedback is utilized to measure Student performance, faculty members performance, utilization of infrastructure and requirements for quality enrichment. The department is having periodic review system for curriculum delivery for every academic year. The department collects the online / offline feedback from all the stakeholders on Curriculum which is prescribed by the university. The website invites all stakeholders to provide feedback online. The data is analysed and their suggestions are considered and put forth to the Academic Audit Committee for discussion and for possible incorporation in the curriculum. Feedback on Curriculum from outgoing batch helps the institute in syllabus designing, campus placements, and infrastructure facilities.