
The Department offers a highly-effective Mentoring system through which a faculty member is assigned to the students. Mentors interacts with the mentees and guide them for studies and extra-curricular activities. The Institute conducts mentoring and counseling sessions for the students. The Strength and Weakness analysis of the students is done. This helps the students to work on their weak areas and also gives them an idea for future opportunities The mentoring document is maintained having both personal and academic information of Mentee, which is a point of reference for every mentoring session. It is updated as per the Mentee’s progression.

  1. To build a warm, safe, empowering and satisfying environment in the class by identifying the signs of trouble and resolving the same (through class mentoring).
  2. To develop synergistic team spirit and to inspire the team members to live in harmony by making them understand the impact of their behavior on team (by Group mentoring)
  3. To reveal innate talents of students and enhance their abilities to make productive career decisions and to give assistance for overcoming the weaknesses and build strength (by one-one mentoring).
Types of mentoring
  1. Class mentoring : Mentoring at Class level
  2. Team Mentoring : Mentoring at team level

One-to-one mentoring : Mentoring at personal level

  • Bonding between the students and teachers is enhanced
  • Conducive learning environment is developed
  • Supports in career mapping of the students
  • Continuous guidance supports in developing confident students
  • Psycho-social support whenever required
  • Reduced stress level
These observations are based on the feedback from stakeholders like Industry, faculty and parents through various interactions and feedback from students
One-to-One Mentors
  • Dr.Deepali Sawai
  • Mrs.Renu Mathew
  • Mr. Sanjay Mathapati
  • Mrs.Arati Mhaisekar
  • Ms.Kiran Shinde
  • Mr.Sanjay Mate
  • Mrs.Swati Kirange
  • Mrs.Preetha Praseedh
  • Mrs.Rupali Bhangale
Group Mentors
  • Ms.Rupali Bhangale
  • Ms.Preetha Praseedh
  • Ms.Vandana Pednekar
  • Ms.Bhagyashri Bhangale
  • Ms.Swati Kirange
  • Ms.Sonali Kadwadkar
Class Mentors
  • Ms.Vandana Pednekar
  • Ms.Preetha Praseedh
  • Ms.Rupali Bhangale
  • Ms.Swati Kirange
Corporate Mentors
  • Dr.Deepak Shikarpur,IT Entrepreneur & Writer
  • Mr.Rahul Dhopeshwar,CapGmini
  • Mr.Mandar Kulkarni,Netcracker technology Solutions
  • Mr.Himadri Kundu,BMC software
  • Mr.Amit Mane,Kiosk vision system
  • Mr.Akhil K,Springer Nature
  • Mr.Nilesh Nikam,Quick Heal Technologies
  • Mr.AjayGhuge,Cloudredux Consultancy services
  • Mr.Kartik,Symantec
  • Mr.AmolDhanpalwar,Sears Holdings India Ltd
  • Mr.ChaturShriganeshan,Xpanxion
  • Mr.TusharUttarwar,Team Computers

One to One Mentoring

The students get admitted to the Institute from diverse social, academic, family, economical background.In the first semester itself they are given a mentoring form which gets the data related to theirbackground which helps the faculty and the mentors to understand the students very well. The psychometric test is conducted to understand their logical, analytical reasoning capability and also to know abouttheir personality. Every students fills up the Strengths Weakness Opportunities Challenges (SWOC) formto understand what according to them are their strengths and weaknesses. The senior. faculty members become the mentors for one-to-one counseling and mentoring of the students.

Based on all the forms the mentors get the data points about the students. After mentoring the studentsbecome clear about their goals. This activity reveals the innate talents of students and enhances theirabilities to make productive career decisions. They get assistance for overcoming the weaknesses and build strength. The whole mentoring activity helps to develop exclusive mentor-mentee relation between faculty members and students, outside the formal classroom set up.To work on the strengths and weaknesses of the students and give them platform to get the opportunities based on their strength, various group mentoring activities are conducted by the group mentors. All these mentoring activities help the students to be confident and work on the issues which are lingering in their mind.

Group Mentoring

Class Mentoring Activity

Class Mentoring Activities : Brain Gym. , Ring Race and many team building activities conducted by Mr. Sanjay mathapati

Field Visit

As a part of group mentoring activity a field visit to Thergaon Boat Club, Chinchwad ,Pune on 7th September 2019 for MCA-II students. Various activities and Team building games were conducted by mr. Sanjay Mathapati.

Field Visit

IICMR-MCA department organized field visit for the students on 14thJuly 2018 to develop their soft skills such as Public Speaking, Teambuilding for Birla Temple at shirgaon & saibaba temple at shirgaon-pratishirdi

Paper Bag Making

IICMR-MCA department organized "Go-Green –Paper Bag Making " drive for the Students on 26th June 2018 to protect the environment from plastic bag and to fulfill their responsibility towards the society.

Video Making

Video making under the Group Mentoring activity was conducted on 11th August 2017 for MCA-II students Students came up with innovative & creative ideas for video making on different topics

Field Visit & Tree Planatation Activity

As a part of group mentoring activity a field visit to Bhandara Hill, Dehu Gaon Pune on 29th July 2017 for MCA-II student .45 students participated in tree plantation at Bhandara Hill.

Street Play on Social Issues

Street Play under the Group Mentoring activity was conducted on 11th August 2016 for MCA-II students. Students selected topic on social issues and performed on the same very nicely.

Field Visit

As a part of group mentoring activity a field visit to Indira Gandhi Udyan (Durga Tekdi), Nigdi Pune on 15th July 2015 for MCA-II student.At the specified venue ,“Buildcon” game is conducted , in which every group was instructed to prepare 2D/3D model by using ice cream sticks depicting their group name and logo

Story Enact

Street Enact under the Group Mentoring activity was conducted on 31st July 2015 for MCA-II students. Students selected stories based on social theme and performed on the same very nicely. These stories were selected from general reading books from IICMR library, which resulted in nurturing general book reading in students.

Story Enact

Street Enact under the Group Mentoring activity was conducted on 2nd August 2014 for MCA-II students. Students selected stories based on social theme and performed on the same very nicely. These stories were selected from general reading books from IICMR library or from articles on internet, which resulted in nurturing general book reading in students.