- For student evaluation, complete transparent system is set by the department which is aligned with university norms. The students' performance evaluation uses varieties of evaluation techniques such as Open Book Examination, Term End Exam, MCQ test, Case Study Analysis, Thematic Presentation, Group Discussion, Extempore, Case lets, Group Activity, mini Project, Model making. The faculty members have opportunity to design their own innovative and creative format of internal evaluation at department level.
- Mid- term examination is conducted in online MCQ form for objective evaluation and accuracy timeliness of result. For monitoring and diagnosing student performance, ERP system is used. This makes the exam paper less as well as simulates aptitude test conducted during recruitment process by employers. It there by boosts the confidence of the students to face and ace the process.
- The term end internal examination follows university examination guidelines in terms of maximum time allotted, question paper pattern and unit wise weightage.
- Continuous monitoring control of Practical MCQ Exam in the examination is done through CCTV surveillance.
Assessment Parameter
Distribution of 25 marks for internals of courses with only written exam as a parameter of evaluation.
Parameters | Marks |
Minimum 5 Unit test (Course Outcome wise ) | 5 |
Mid Term | 5 |
2 Home Assignment | 5 |
Weekly Tutorial/Presentations/Group Activity/Case-Study/viva | 5 |
Prelim Examination | 5 |
Total | 25 |
Distribution of 25 marks for internals of courses with only written exam, practical and tutorial as parameter of evaluation
Parameters | Marks |
Minimum 5 Unit test (Course Outcome wise ) | 5 |
Mid Term & Prelim Examination | 5 |
2 Home Assignment & Practical | 10 |
Weekly Tutorial/Presentations/Group Activity/Case-Study/viva | 5 |
Total | 25 |
Distribution of 25 marks for internals of courses with written exam and practical as a parameter of evaluation
Parameters | Marks |
Minimum 5 Unit test (Course Outcome wise ) | 5 |
Mid Term & Prelim Examination | 5 |
2 Home Assignment | 5 |
Practical | 10 |
Total | 25 |
Distribution of Internal Practical (75 Marks)
Parameters | Marks |
Journal | 20 |
Prelim Exam/Practical Examination | 20 |
Viva-voce | 15 |
Lab Excercise | 10 |
Mid Term Practical Examination | 10 |
Total | 75 |
Distribution of Internal Mini Project (75 Marks)
Parameters | Marks |
Synopsis | 7 |
Project Dairy | 8 |
System Modelling | 15 |
Presentation | 15 |
Working Demo | 15 |
Final Presentation | 5 |
Project Report | 10 |
Total | 75 |
Distribution of Project in Sem-V & VI (50 + 150 Marks)
Parameters | Marks |
SRS Document |
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Project Viva/Presentation |
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File: /home/iicmr/public_html/index.php |
Executable/User Interface |
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File: /home/iicmr/public_html/index.php |
Test plan and Documentation |
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File: /home/iicmr/public_html/index.php |
Total | 200 |